Pet Friendly

Pet Insurance: What Is It and Do You Need It?

What is pet insurance? Certainly, a few people probably asked that question in 1890, when…

Saving Columbia’s Cats

An encroaching population of cats has been growing in Columbia in recent years. Fortunately, Boone…


Snakes Aren’t Scary

Snakes give people the heebie-jeebies more than any other animal. In fact, polls have shown…

The Healing Power of Horses

It’s no surprise that animals can have healing powers. Karen Grindler founded Cedar Creek Therapeutic…

Teaching Pets

Pets in schools are great for educating and creating a fun classroom atmosphere for children.…

Cats and Caffeine

Let’s say you go get a coffee at the place by the EatWell supermarket and…


Rescuing the Wigglebutts

For Melody Whitworth, director of Unchained Melodies Dog Rescue, it all started with one dog.…

A Home Away from Home

Finding the perfect boarding house for your furry friend isn’t as hard it may seem. Here are some things to consider before your next vacation.

Caring for the Furry Members of the Family

Dr. Richard Meadows of the MU College of Veterinary Medicine shares the five things he…

Chrysallis of the Monarchs at Cedarhurst of Columbia

The Royal Treatment

2020. For a year that will forever be linked with bad omens, disastrous luck, and misfortune,…

Hound and Hue

New Zealander Shannise Finn has privately practiced art for years, but within the past year,…

Fostering for Central Missouri Humane Society

A man with his foster dog