In Focus

Let’s Pay It Off Together

A couple years ago, in an effort to better recruit and retain talent at hard-to-fill…

Parking Spaces & Places

Employee parking downtown may not be ideal, but is it really the problem everyone thinks it is?

In Focus: Equal Pay. It’s Complicated.

The fight for equal pay isn’t having the effect on closing the gap that it used to.

In Focus: The Help They Deserve

In September, former First Lady Michelle Obama took the stage at Chaparral High School in…

In Focus: Scooter City

The City of Columbia is in the middle of a three-way scooter war.

In Focus: What Happens Now?

A contentious debate over sewers has led to a stink among voters.

In Focus: Two Governments a Short Walk Apart

A brief 3-minute walk along the north end of the historic Avenue of the Columns…

In Focus: Can I Help You?

Columbia is among the healthiest cities to own a business due to a varied network…

In Focus: Services for Our Veterans

Angela Drake is proud of her positions as law professor and attorney at the MU…

In Focus: Fast, Faster, Fastest

High-speed. Faster speed. Ultra-fast. Blazing fast. Supersonic. Okay, that last one is made up, but…

In Focus: If You Build It

Randy Cole makes snaking motions with his hands and arms to illustrate the zig-zag path…