
Making an Impact

I love that we named this one The Impact Issue. It’s been The Nonprofit Issue…

Join a board. Volunteer your time.

Wow! I am not even sure where to start with the Impact Issue, because dang…

Erica Pefferman

Learn, move, and then pivot.

What to say about finances in the financial issue? This year…everything! It’s crazy to me…

Adulting is hard.

If this issue taught me anything, it’s that I’m doing everything financially wrong. HA! Around…

Sports Ball for All

The sports issue is always a fun one to work on. It brings back many…

Game of Life

My relationship with sports has been the center of many jokes and stories when gathered…

“Oh, The Places You’ll Go …”

I’m not sure what this says about me, but one of the most inspiring books…

Erica Pefferman

Knowledge is Power

Education has always been an incredibly important part of my life, whether it’s been learning…

A Will to Thrive 

In 1993, then-14-year-old LaDonna Crusby was at home alone while her mom and aunt ran…

Your Vote — and Voice — Matter.  So Use Them.

Folks … this one is hard for me.  When the Politics Issue was pitched as…

What is something you would legalize in COMO?

Darren Morton I would like to legalize work days as Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and…

Columbia Deserves a Centrist Government

I recall years ago, as a member of a local civic organization, a policy vote…