
DIY & Debt-Free

Local couple doubles the size of their house with cash. When Tony Rigdon first started…

Columbia’s Fixer Uppers: Debby Cook

Local artisans breathe new life into outdated projects. Debby Cook Debby Cook has always been…

Life After Birth

Supporting those with postpartum depression. When Tim Davis first held his newborn granddaughter, he was…

Getting Back to Simple

Defeating the excess clutter in our lives. I wonder how much stuff I own. Considering…

Looking for a Living

Losing a job is disappointing, frustrating, and isolating. In a community like Columbia, which has…

The Long Drive: Commuting in (and around) Columbia

As Columbia has gotten to be a bigger city — now the fourth largest in…

Typewriters and Lint Balls and Ice Cream, Oh My!

When asked about her first job, Stephens College president Dianne Lynch was in a quandary…

Invest in Your Team

At 2.7 percent, as of the last Bureau of Labor Statistics report, the unemployment rate…

Mind, Body, and Spirit

In alternative medicine, it can be difficult to navigate what’s available and what actually works.…

Serving Those Who Served

Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital completes major construction projects in a changing political climate.…

Hello from the Cutting Edge

At Boone Hospital, there’s a constant drive to find the newest and the best treatment, with one caveat: Make sure it’s worth it.

Your Best Booth, Now Made Better

With the Chamber of Commerce’s Business Showcase around the corner, be sure you know how to rock a trade show.