Friends & Family

Compostable Food cartoon graphics

It’s Easy Being Green (& Brown!)

Getting comfortable with backyard composting.

Dog and Human as friend and partner, hand and paw on each other

Compassionate Canines

In the Beginning   The domestication of canines began some 15,000 years ago, transforming dangerous…

Moberly five and drive Night At The Drive In illustration

A Night at the Drive-In

Moberly’s B&B Theaters provides a nostalgic way to enjoy films on the big screen.

Making Dreams Come True

A recently installed neon-lit sign on the side of a building at the corner of Ninth…

Cube Director Wally Luther

The Cube Captivates Learning at Columbia Independent School

Inspiration, innovation, and investigation at Columbia Independent School’s STEM lab, lovingly referred to as The Cube.

Clint Sinclair Davon Argo Darryl Reese and Naeema Reese

Building a Family Was ‘A Little Scary’

Clint Sinclair vividly remembers Wednesday, July 8, 2020. That was the day he and Davon…

Bob and Priscilla Bartlett's hands and armed joined together

Ninety-Something Lovebirds

Columbia couple enjoys playful love and marriage a second time around  When their first New…

Nathan Todd standing on a mountain

Choosing Health

After struggling with his weight since sixth grade, a friend asking Nathan Todd to join…

Portrait Of Maya Kahn Featuredimage

Grateful to Give Back

Maya Kahn overcame a life of trafficking and abuse and now spends her time serving others.

Young Girl Listening To Piggy Bank

Dollars and Sen$e

A commitment to early financial education for Columbia’s kids.

Beyond the Data cartoon illustration

Douglass Principal Says ‘Dig Deeper’

If you judge based on traditional measures of school success — test scores, attendance records,…

Strawberry Hill Farms Floral Greenhouse

Growing Together

Mid-Missourians flock to family-owned Strawberry Hill Farms every spring and fall to fill their flowerbeds and vegetable gardens.