A Love for All Breeds, Big and Small

Veterans United employees share a love for their furry friends. Cats are known for their…

Family-Friendly Feasts

Looking for a dining locale to suit your picky pint-sized eaters as well as Mom…

Girls Weekend Getaway at Lake of the Ozarks

It’s marked on your calendar months in advance, maybe with a few underlines and stars…

It’s a Material World

As custom details become more popular in home building, the product options are endless. New…

A Day in the Life: Hunter/Jumper Instructor

Not long after Sara Linde Patel could talk, she was already begging for riding lessons.…

Jill Orr: Keep Calm and Cheer On

Let’s face it: Most of us are not raising professional athletes. Most of us are…

From Couch to Confidence

A personal challenge becomes the key to positivity with one life-altering change. As a coach,…

The Love Guru on Attraction

at•trac•tion [uh-trak-shuhn] (noun) Attraction. When it comes to humans, it’s physiology, psychology and even our…

Outdoor Entertaining

Summer offers an opportunity to show off an outdoor space while entertaining friends and family.…

Aiden Taylor’s Room of Hope

A team of hope supports Aiden Taylor’s fight for survival. When the Taylor family walked…

Cooking what’s in season this summer

Summer is so much more than a season; it’s a mindset, a mood, a way…

Chili Garlic Grilled Shrimp

Add a little kick to a summer favorite. Recipe by Erica Pefferman, adapted from Bobby…