
Construction Underway for Bike Boulevard

Cyclists will soon have an easier way to reach the MKT trail from the Business…

A Capitol Conversation: Transition of Power: Introducing Governor Mike Parson

Sometimes, fate is realized with irony. With all of the political drama surrounding the resignation…

Opinion: Citizens Respond to Survey

The City of Columbia recently received the results of the 2017 DirectionFinder survey from ETC…

Opinion: The Journey Toward Inclusive Excellence

When Dr. Kevin McDonald was brought to MU in the spring of 2016 and named…

Opinion: To Vacation or Not Vacation?

After an extended winter, you may be thinking, “I need a vacation!” But according to…

Local Perspective: Sgt. Robert Fox

Victor Hugo, a French author, wrote, “There is nothing as powerful as an idea whose…

A Magnet for Students Driven to Excel

An overview of MU’s Army ROTC program. Land-grant institutions like MU once required all students…

A Capitol Conversation: An Encounter with President Trump

This time, it’s personal. Well, sort of. I thought I’d share some reflections of a recent…

Opinion: The Expansion is Coming

2025? 2025! I predict that 2025 will be the year when the new, improved version…

Opinion: Destigmatizing Mental Health

You don’t feel well. You aren’t sure what is going on, so you schedule an…

Opinion: August Primary Election Brief

On Tuesday, August 7, Columbia voters will have the opportunity to go to the polls…

Opinion: Community Policing Comes at a Price

There is an old joke in law enforcement that is, sadly, true. It goes, “There…