
The Truth About Privilege

When you saw the title of this piece, you were probably curious as to what…

Erica Pefferman

Money, Money, Mooonnneeeyyy

Money. The world doesn’t run without it, and we never seem to have enough of…


Finding the Good Notes

James Williams, the late, wonderful pianist and educator, figured measurably in planting my jazz seeds,…


I would hate to sell socks.  Not that I have anything against socks, of course…

October: Tara Talks

Oooh, these are loaded questions, and I love them. I’ll preface this entire thing with…

The Masonic Home of Missouri

Established in 1886, the Masonic Home of Missouri continues to be one of the best-kept…

Get in the Game

The theme of this issue is a hot button for me. I love the heart…


When Carrie Koepke and I began thinking about opening an independent bookstore in downtown Columbia,…

We’re all in school

As a mother of five and a COMO geek, the topic of education is core…

Keep doing better.

Keeping inclusion and diversity at the heart of our editorial has remained a priority to…

August: Tara Talks

I’m so sorry to hear that you’re struggling. I have zero idea what the specifics…

Columbia’s Leaders of Tomorrow

“Columbia is a community that is always working towards the future,” says Matt McCormick, president…