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On Family

On Family

Kim Colwell-Ambra

I’m not sure who decided it was smart to give me a full page to share my thoughts — but here we go! My first editor’s letter!

Starting with the family issue is perfect. Why? Because family is everything to me! Let me start by telling you a bit about myself.

Photo by Tanya Aldridge

I have lived in COMO my whole life. Hickman High School grad, Class of 99’ — GO KEWPS! My kids are my three greatest blessings. My oldest, Taylor, is 22 and is currently a grad student at Missouri State University working on her Master’s in Occupational Therapy. My one-and-only son is 19 and finishing up his freshman year, also at Missouri State University, where he is pursuing a degree in communication and a minor in nonprofit management. The world is this kid’s oyster! Rounding out the bunch is Kaitlyn, who is 15 and about to wrap up her freshman year at Hallsville High School. T-minus three months until this one can drive — eeek! 

I have been blessed with the most loving and supportive parents, Ken and Sherry Colwell, who are about to celebrate 50 years of marriage. My dad is the luckiest guy in the world to live in a house of all women, where I was the second of his four daughters! My sisters Carissa, Kelley, and Kathryn have been my built-in best friends since birth. I have loads of nieces and nephews who all refer to me as “Aunt KiKi.” I am the one that never says no to them and spoils them rotten before sending them home! Family gatherings are busy and loud, but I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

I say all of that so I can say this: Family is truly one of our greatest blessings. It might look different for everyone; some are blood related, some are not. The makeup of every family is different and unique. I hope each and everyone of you has found a group of people who love, support, and encourage you every day of the week. And if you haven’t, we are so fortunate to be a part of an awesome and welcoming community that is overflowing with opportunities to build one of your own.

Get involved! Find your people! And once you find them, hang on to them. 

I would love to hear from you! What should we talk about in upcoming issues? Feel free to share, [email protected].

Family — We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.”

      — Unknown

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