COMO Staff

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Jay Lindner, Owner, Lindner Properties

1. What’s the hottest development market in Columbia right now? It’s hard to narrow this…

May: Briefly in the News

MU Gets New Music Center MU held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new School of…

May: Closer Look

Parisi Speed School The Parisi Speed School franchise provides cutting edge sports performance programming and…

Participants Wanted for Go Red Challenge

American Heart Association to Choose 10 Columbia Women to Receive 12-Week Heart Healthy Makeovers. Heart…

April: Closer Look

Southport Marketplace A new shopping center has grown by three since its days when Anne…

The Caring People: Providing Care to Single Moms

In 2002, JoDee Herschend, a Springfield resident, had a powerful dream that drove her to…

Jessie Yankee, Executive Director, Missouri Women's Business Center

What’s your background? I graduated from MU with a BSBA and followed with an MBA…

April: Movers and Shakers

Jennifer May After a national search, Jennifer May has been selected as the chief compliance…

Kellie Ann Coats, Executive Director, Missouri Women's Council

Job description: I promote and connect women business owners across the state to help them…

PYSK: Ryan Rapp, CFO, UM System

Job description: I’m the vice president for finance and chief financial officer for the University…

March: Movers and Shakers

Food Bank David Coil, Gina Gervino, Paula Fleming, and Marty McCormick will begin serving on…

March: Closer Look

Hudson Hawk Barber & Shop Paul Catlett and Thad Forrester solved a problem for the…