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Ragtag Film Society Tags New Partners

Ragtag Film Society Tags New Partners

RFS teams with new cohort for 2023-2025; next season begins with screening on Aug. 31

Logo for Ragtag Film Society

Following the program’s success with the initial cohort of partners from 2021-2023, Ragtag Film Society is partnering with five new community organizations for its monthly Show Me Series. 

The partners are: 

  • The Cambio Center 
  • City of Refuge 
  • The Michael A. Middleton Center for Race, Citizenship, and Justice 
  • Missouri River Relief 
  • Mixed at Mizzou 

The Show Me series, funded in part by the Arts and Education Council, is a monthly co-curatorial endeavor between Ragtag Cinema and its five community partners. Every screening is followed by a community conversation, taking the discourse beyond content to interrogate form, intention, and reaction. All films are co-curated with the month’s featured community partner and take place at Ragtag Cinema, with the exception of the annual Show Me True/False event, which offers reduced price tickets to one screening during True/False and features a community discussion with the film’s team. 

Faramola Shonekan, RFS director of community partnerships and education, and Asia Long, RFS community partnerships coordinator, said in a news release that Ragtag Cinema and True/False Film Fest share a mission of inclusivity, recognizing that to create an inclusive and intellectually vibrant community, “we must understand and value both our individual differences and our collective similarities.” 

The Show Me Series is free to the public, allowing all members of columbia’s communities to participate without financial barriers. 

Mixed at Mizzou will kick off the new season with a screening and discussion of Rebecca Hall’s 2021 feature film Passing at 7 p.m. on August 31. For more information on the event and future screenings, visit 

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