
Getting Stronger Outside and In

Once Gloria Gaus changed her mindset she changed her entire life. I love the timely…

Joy In Movement

After a devastating MS diagnosis, Teresa Mees found a reason and drive to move forward…

Natural Healing

As acupuncture grows in popularity, more Americans have questions. Does it work? Am I a…

No Time for the Gym?

Taking Control

It was September 1994, and there I was staring in the mirror looking at this…

Because You’re Worth It

  Kate is a 48-year-old mother of two. She’s worked for her employer for 10…

Love: Again

Again- adverb a- ‘gen, – ‘gin, -‘gan For another time : one more time By…

That’s What Friends Are For

Beth and I met freshman year in college. No matter how much time passes between…

Flirting and Fighting

(Flurt) To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures. (Fight) To engage in a quarrel; argue.…

From Couch to Confidence

A personal challenge becomes the key to positivity with one life-altering change. As a coach,…

The Love Guru on Attraction

at•trac•tion [uh-trak-shuhn] (noun) Attraction. When it comes to humans, it’s physiology, psychology and even our…

Where the Magic Happens

When is the last time you stepped outside your comfort zone? If you’re thinking to…