
The latest and greatest pet grooming trends

  Pet grooming has certainly changed a lot over the past 20 years, and one…

Kitchens In Bloom- The Sartwell’s Kitchen

COMO Living is proud to be the media sponsor for this year’s Kitchens in Bloom…

Building With Diligence

  The Columbia Housing Authority rebuilds public housing.   Since 2013, the Columbia Housing Authority…

Work In Progress

  Checking in on five development projects around town.    Curious about the development scene…

Meant to Be

Over the past two years, a group of Columbia institutions have collaborated to create a…

Caring for the Aging

Retirement communities expand to meet the needs of a growing senior population.

The Greenest House on Earth

Local architect Nick Peckham leads the passive build industry.      I turn onto Country…

Tips for the DIY Party Planner

  With the popularity of sites like Pinterest, the emergence of the Do-It-Yourself-Party-Planner is inevitable. People…

Breaking Down The Bachelor: The Truest Form Of Public Match Making

Be sure to watch The Bachelor season finale tonight on ABC! There is probably some…

Spirit Forward

DogMaster Distillery brings back the classic cocktail. It’s 10 a.m. and I’m drinking whiskey on…

Behind the Wine and Dine

General Manager John LaRocca and Chef Daniel Pliska of the University Club commit to developing…

Room at the Inn?

Those who visit Columbia for a football weekend probably know there’s a chance that hotel…