
Talking Trash Part II

*Talking Trash
Part II*Ray Beck says city’s recycling program shows innovative spirit.

Smart Thinking

*Smart Thinking*Cathy Atkins unlocks the mysteries of hiring salespeople.

Smart Thinking: The mysteries of hiring salespeople unlocked: Part I

You were the top salesperson for years. Then one day you accepted management’s offer to…

People You Should Know: Steve Wyatt

Statewide Director for Business Development College of Engineering, University of Missouri Extension AGE: 42 JOB…

Tech Transfer: MU’s Office of Economic Development boosts tech growth

Need an update on the activities of the University of Missouri’s Office of Economic Development?…

MU’s Master Construction Plan

While private construction has slowed significantly in Columbia, the University of Missouri continues to construct…

Entrepreneurs creating social, economic values

One of the most interesting trends in entrepreneurship in recent years – and one that…

Garbage collection generates controversy, system cleaner, greener

By Ray Beck as told to Jim Muench  If you ever want to see how…

Outstanding offices

RAM Telecom President Blake Moore and his 10 or so employees moved into the company’s…

Business Briefs: MU cancer center funding on track

Gov. Matt Blunt announced this month that he will ask the General Assembly to allocate…

Gleaning profit from pollution

Pollution can pay—if you own a forest soaking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or…

With salaries relatively low, MU seeks to bolster pay

Jim Coleman was making $175,000 a year as the vice chancellor for research at the…