The Case For Innovation illustration

‘Budtenders’ and bringing back the general store

In the March 2023 issue of COMO Magazine, you’ll learn about all kinds of whiz…

Headshot of a women named Erica Pefferman

The Winds of Change

“Innovation” has been the name of the game for the last three years, at least.…

Grid of Apps logos

The Last Word: The Apps We Love

Instacart… I have not stepped foot in a grocery store since this spectacular invention! Kim…

Columbia Neighborhood Watch group

Neighborhood Watch is on the Lookout

If you’ve logged onto recently, you’ve likely scrolled through dozens of posts from concerned…

Como Web Amylwaters 72x1100 stocked library shelves

Are You Ready to Climb Your Family Tree?

Climbing the limbs of your family tree or poking around at the trunk to find…

Professional headshot of a women smiling named Kim Ambra against a white background

Let’s innovate.

Innovation is making changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.…

one hand holding up a text bubble shaped card with the text "Debate" and a hand holding up a text bubble card with the text "..." in the background

Debates set for school, city candidates

CoMoBUZ will produce March 13 and March 20 events A bipartisan coalition of interested citizens…

image of a chair made out of paper with film reels, a megaphone, and a director's cut board all made out of paper laying next to it

True/False Film Fest announces 2023 lineup

Film slate includes 33 new feature films and eight world premieres The True/False Film Fest…

Actor in Little-Shop-of-Horrors play with several castmates in the background

What’s the best show you have ever seen in COMO?

Halle Kearns and Jordan Davis at Rose Music Hall – Kim Ambra, Editor-in-Chief Every show…

illustration outline of bigfoot surrounded by trees

Bigfoot is (probably) real. And a tiger bit me.

Conclusion: 15 things you (maybe, probably) don’t know about me. Not long ago, though it…

History on Elm graphic with the text "second Tuesdays at noon"

Film focuses on 1939 sharecropper protest in Missouri

State Historical Society of Missouri offers free film screening as part of History on Elm…

overview of mizzou e sports gaming monitor room set up

Mizzou esports has a place to call home

The gaming lounge and training facility is central to the esports community  Not the most…