McKenna Stumph

5 Articles Published | Follow:
Koi Fish

Destined to Flourish

Shelter for homeless, traumatized teens focuses on safety and life skills.

Scholar Clinic Ribbon Cutting

Scholar Clinic Serves CPS Students

New health focus targets obstacles that students encounter.

Busy Builder

A recent $1.3 million investment from Veterans United Home Loans (VU) has blossomed into $34…

Raising Funds and Awareness: Craft Beer and Carts

Among the hundreds of photos in the shop at Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia, there’s…

T-shirt with the design for the 15th annual Pedaler's Jamboree.

Ready to Ride: Pedaler’s Jamboree Turns 15

Fifteen years ago, Iowa native Mike Denehy developed an unparagoned notion that birthed a significant…