COMO 365

MFA grain tower before it was demolished

COMO 365: February 6, 1882

Today in Columbia’s history: Columbia Milling Company and the MFA Tower  On February 6, 1882,…

vintage postcard of Benton Hall at the University of Missouri

COMO 365: February 2, 1978

This date in Columbia History: University Of Missouri High School and Benton Hall On February…

close up of the Farley Mausoleum at the Columbia City Cemetery

COMO 365: February 1, 2007

This date in Columbia history: Columbia Cemetery and the Farley Mausoleum On February 1, 2007,…

exterior of Beulah Ralph elementary school

COMO 365: January 31, 1921

This date in Columbia history: Remembering Beulah Ralph and her namesake elementary school On January…

exterior of Flat Branch Center view from the street

COMO 365: January 26, 1980

This date in Columbia history: Market Square, Flat Branch, and 70 years of redevelopment activity …

Artist Vinnie Realm posing by her sculpted bust of Abraham Lincoln

COMO 365: Jan. 25 in Columbia history

Vinnie Ream, Abraham Lincoln,Williams Hall, and Columbia College On January 25, 1871, a statue of…

vintage photo from 1892 of the fire at Academic Hall

‘COMO 365’ keeps history alive

Columbia history buff connects past with present  If you’re searching Wikipedia for historical details about…