graphics of human body parts in stippling art style

The Last Word – COMO, did you know?

You are about 1cm taller in the morning when you first get up than when…

illustration of young person looking for sad while people quickly move around him and ignoring him

Giving COMO a mental health checkup

Try to picture this image: If you could line up all the Missouri children and…

several generations of women standing side by side

If you see me running … call the police.

I feel like a year went by in the blink of an eye … but…

Image of two athletes partnered with Playing for Hope visiting a young child who is a hospital patient with parent

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

Athletes are remembered for their talent and their power to inspire and encourage others. Playing…

illustration of insurance paperwork, coins, calculator, glasses, pills, and stethoscope

New options empower us to take charge of our own health

Consuming medical care (or rather, paying for it) is a mystery of modern life.  You…

A man sits at a desk writing on a notepad surrounded by office supplies including a laptop, typewriter, notepad, phone, USB drive, and more

15 things you (probably, maybe) don’t know about me: Part 1 of 4

I really am (kinda, sorta) afraid of kites. A few decades ago—no need to quibble…

A bird's-eye view of downtown Columbia looking south toward and over the Mizzou campus, with Jesse Hall in the background.

Wrecking balls spur new Columbia group’s preservation passion

CoMo Preservation aims for advocacy and education  A dizzying spate of historic buildings meeting the…

Vintage photo of the Perche Creek Yacht Club parade float

Welcome to a club with 1,370 members — and no purpose

The Perche Creek Yacht Club stays afloat As the largest civic club in Boone County…

Illustration of a city skyline with a red percentage symbol (%). A hand in a suit pulls the symbol upward, forming an arrow, representing rising interest rates or economic growth.

Here’s how interest rate increases affect our daily lives

With many subjects in the news vying for our attention — from the stock market…

an illustrated graphic with the words "Tis the season for holiday cheer"

‘Tis the Season for Holiday Cheer

Kids often have the best insights about the splendor of the holiday season. They certainly…

Headshot of a women named Erica Pefferman

In the beginning: A publisher’s journey

I’ve been in marketing and media in one form or another for 24 years. I…

The Columbia Chamber of Commerce ambassadors, with VAC Executive Director Ed Stansberry, cut the ribbon to launch VAC's 39th annual gift program.

Gifts Galore: VAC sponsors spread holiday cheer

Community volunteers and Voluntary Action Center staff filled the gymnasium at Broadway Christian Church with…