Janet Moss, Human Resources Manager for Socket

Years lived in Columbia:
A total of 30 years.
Original hometown:
I was born in Chicago. My dad’s employer relocated our family every two to three years to a different city until we landed in Columbia.
Bachelor of Science in business management from Columbia College.
Professional background:
I have worked for Socket in human resources for 15 years. Prior to working at Socket, I sold components for hygienic process systems for a company in Springfield, Missouri.
Favorite volunteer/community activity:
I did not grow up with grandparents, and as far back as I can remember, I’ve always gravitated toward older generations, so you can often find me caring for the needs of the elderly or simply spending quality time with them. I’m also a supporter of Granny’s House, a local nonprofit organization that has been instrumental in giving hope and encouragement to youth in our community. Granny’s House sends a group of at least 40 kids to Kids Across America every year, where they empower urban youth to become leaders. I love it!
A Columbia businessperson I admire and why:
My husband, Waldon Moss, who is a local attorney. I admire his commitment, enthusiasm, and compassion for the people he serves. I have learned a lot about employment law from him. Also, I admired George Pfenenger, owner and CEO of Socket Telecom. He demonstrates strength in leadership by providing needed resources and support while still allowing appropriate autonomy. He is also very generous to the employees of Socket and his community.
Why I’m passionate about my job:
People spend a significant portion of their lives at work. I have the opportunity to contribute to creating a healthy, happy, and efficient working environment for our employees each day.
Why I’m passionate about my company:
I’m fortunate enough to work for a company where the owners and executives care about the people who work for them and value their teamwork.
If I weren’t doing this for a living, I would:
Establish an organization that provides care and support for senior citizens and their families with an emphasis on families acting as caregivers for
elderly parents.
What people should know about the human resources industry:
The human resources function plays a pivotal role in an organization. Not only does the human resources team recruit, onboard, and partner with other departments in managing the people who enable the organization to function, but human resources also helps establish the organizational culture and climate, which largely determines employee engagement and satisfaction.
The next challenge facing the human resources industry:
There are several ongoing challenges. Among the most pressing are navigating the ever-changing landscape of regulatory compliance; finding, retaining, and rewarding talent; and developing an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workplace culture.
Biggest lesson learned in business:
Failure is a part of the journey. If you’re afraid to fail, it will prevent you from taking the necessary risks to be successful.
How I want to impact the Columbia community:
Several people move to Columbia temporarily for their education. Once they complete their education, they take the knowledge, experience, and overall personal development they gained to another city. I want to connect with college students pre-graduation to encourage them to invest their knowledge and development back into Columbia, where much of it was garnered.
Greatest strength:
I know what I don’t know, and I try to embrace the wisdom of inviting people with that knowledge or ability to partner with me in accomplishing our collective goals or tasks.
Greatest weakness:
I don’t like to tell people no; therefore, I don’t say it nearly enough.
What I do for fun:
I enjoy early morning or evening walks and weekend getaways with my husband. I also enjoy spending quality time with family and friends. No matter the activity, as long as I’m among great company with good conversation, I’m gratified. I love listening to music and singing until my heart is content (or until people beg me to stop).
I have been married for 20 years to my best friend, Waldon. It is a blessing and joy to share life with him. I grew up with both of my parents and three sisters. My family is all about joy! We show up for one another, cheer for one another, cry with one another, pray with one another, and challenge one another.
Favorite place in Columbia:
Shelter Gardens; it’s so beautiful this time of year.
Most people don’t know that:
I’m a twin. My twin sister, Janel, lives in Texas and is one of my biggest cheerleaders. We are technically fraternal twins; however, we relate to each other like identical twins in many ways!