
Social media matures, Columbia becomes a gorilla | Guest Column

Year in Review: Social Networking

Wrapping up budgets past, present and future

Year in Review: City Finance

Local film industry's growth surprising, even to insiders

Film Industry Forum

United Way revising charity funding model

United Way, Way to Go

Machens expands again with Estes buyout

Car Czar

Power Lunch: After Hours

To cap the Power Lunch forums held in 2010, the Columbia Business Times and sponsor…

Quest to repair family heirloom leads to VanSickle Audio

Business Profile: VanSickle Audio

Finance director gives parting thoughts on budget | A CBT Conversation

CBT Conversation: Lori Fleming

Accountant enters 1st Ward race

Fred Schmidt, owner of Accounting Cycle, said he will seek the 1st Ward seat on…

Columbia buddies advance

Eric Wilson, Alberto Barba, Kody Gilbow and Dusty Scates all like to tailgate at MU…

People You Should Know

People You Should Know

Officials prepare to fight Hinkson stormwater regulations | CBT Power Lunch

Power Lunch: Hinkson Creek and Stormwater