Few were surprised when voters statewide rejected Amendment Seven that would have increased sales taxes…
The most exciting development on the University of Missouri campus these days is using the…
It’s somewhat amazing that it’s taken more than 30 years to replace the parking lot…
Three recent developments say a great deal about Missouri’s economic future and the direction this…
Many things we take for granted today simply weren’t around in 1985. Cellphones and Dick…
The early reports about Dr. Richard Bowen Loftin, the incoming 22nd chancellor of the University…
Now just another university dorm, 50 years ago the eight-story Manor House apartment building at…
Some were not surprised to learn that the complex web of largely buried downtown utility infrastructures — water,…
Fifty years ago, you couldn’t buy a mixed drink in Columbia, Blue Laws closed stores on…
Although the Columbia Parks and Recreation Department and an equally abundant number of privately funded recreation venues are lauded in general for what they provide, the theme and tenor of these conversations among parents veers into what isn’t here.
As the president of Coil Construction and former board chair for the Columbia Chamber of Commerce, Randy Coil, who has been in the construction business since 1975, reflects upon the economic forecast and shares his views for the future of the building industry in the Columbia area
A recent meeting of the Columbia City Council may have established the all-time record for length. Would the 3 a.m. adjournment on Tuesday/Wednesday Sept. 3/4 qualify for entry into the Guinness Book of Records? Perhaps, or maybe at least a footnote as a runner-up.