What’s New

Belcher wins celeb burger competition

This can’t be your usual school boss. Not long after Chris Belcher donned a superhero…

The Technology Quiz

Roger Fidler a fellow at the Reynolds Journalism Institute and Clyde Bentleyan an MU journalism…

Columbia Liquor, 203 Providence Road | New Business Update

Sureshbhai, Nitu and Sheetal Patel opened their second liquor store in Columbia on Sept. 22…

Top Android apps for business

Smartphones continue to inherit tasks that were once intended for laptop and desktop computers, which…

Proposition 1: Park sales tax strengthens local economy

On Nov. 2, Columbia voters will have the opportunity to renew the one-eighth cent Park…

MU campus guides go mobile

MU is now offering two new wireless ways to stay connected to what’s going on…

Columbia hotel market rebounds

The new $12 million Holiday Inn along Interstate 70 on the city’s east end has finally opened, after a two-year delay matching the length of the recession.

Chamber members China bound

Business consultant Gene Gerke will be one of 51 Columbia residents flying to China on…

Lindner remembered for commitment to community

Jose Lindner’s life reads like the archetypal American Dream story. Lindner was just 12 when…

Passion for Pizza

Standing with his three children in the parking lot of his Domino’s Pizza outlet on South Ninth Street, Greg Neichter seemed oblivious to the scorching afternoon sun that caused sweat to pour down his face and his eyes to squint.
The traffic at the intersection of the MU campus and downtown made it hard to hear, so Neichter just talked rapid-fire at the top of his lungs.
This, after all, is a subject he’s passionate about — pizza, or more specifically, how the business has changed since he opened a Domino’s in the tiny building behind him on Aug. 18, 1980.

My Secret Garden moving around corner

My Secret Garden is moving from Ninth Street, a half block north of Broadway, to…

Higher Ed Center opens

Students, community members, faculty and staff commemorated the opening of the new Columbia Higher Education…