Manor House Apartments

The eight-story Manor House apartment complex, located at 306 Hitt St., is one of three…

Forget the competition

Whether the City of Columbia decides to — or is allowed to — lease some…

Eckles Hall

Eckles Hall stands on Rollins Road, close to the eastern border of the University of…

March: Did You Know?

Back in the Mud

MoDOT recently unveiled its “325 Plan” for Missouri’s 34,000-mile network of bridges and highways the…

Boone Hospital

Four boxes sit inside the Boone Hospital Center time capsule, each one representing a different…

January: By the Numbers

Funding Missouri’s Highways

Is it something in the water? Maybe it’s in the air we breathe. Perhaps it’s…

COMO Connect

Columbia’s bus system, known as COMO Connect, has been thriving since the renovations to the…

December: By the Numbers

By the Numbers: November

Boone County National Bank lobby

Father-and-son-in-law duo Moss Prewitt and R.B. Price established Boone County National Bank in 1857. Then,…