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Women of Excellence 2020

The Women of Excellence awards celebrate exceptional Columbia businesswomen who strive to continuously grow in their professional field through continued education and serving in the community.

CYSK: Rose Hayden & Meichele Foster

Rose Hayden and Meichele Foster talk about their passionate and purposeful relationship and everything they love about Columbia.

March: Briefly in the News

The latest news featuring Columbia Independent School, Boone Hospital Center, Missouri Credit Union, Welcome Home, and more.

March: A Closer Look

This month, we take a look at three of Columbia’s newest businesses or locations – Grade A Plus, Memory Strategies, and The Whitley Co.

March: Movers & Shakers

Celebrate with the business professionals in our community who are moving up, moving around, and gaining new experiences and opportunities.

PYSK: Frances Fujiko Harvey

Do you know Frances Fujiko Harvey? She’s the lead bartender at Barred Owl Butcher and co-conspirator of Fujiko Izakaya Pop Ups.

February: Briefly in the News

The latest news featuring Veterans United Home Loans, Stephens College, Day Dream Foundation, The Columbia Public Schools Foundation, and more.

PYSK: Dr. Jeffrey Coughenour

How well do you know Dr. Jeffrey Coughenour? He’s the medical director of the Frank L. Mitchell, Jr., MD, Trauma Center and an associate professor of clinical surgery and emergency medicine.

February: Movers & Shakers

Celebrate with the business professionals in our community who are moving up, moving around, and gaining new experiences and opportunities.

CYSK: Erik & Karen Grossmann

Erik and Karen Grossmann talk about their first date and working together at Columbia Surgical Associates.

PYSK: Cameron Dunafon

How well do you know Cameron Dunafon? He’s the CEO of DVERSE Holdings LLC, and a 20 Under 40 Alumnus.

January: Briefly in the News

The latest news featuring Christian Fellowship Church, Coil Construction, Boone County Family Resources, Columbia College, Roo Storage, and more.