Cathy Atkins

20 Articles Published | Follow:

Does your business need a makeover? Ten tools for the job

It’s amazing what a good haircut, a touch of makeup, and a $5,000 credit card…

Smart Thinking: Tough Times require tough salespeople

*Smart Thinking*Tough times require tough salespeople

Smart Thinking: Perfection, paralysis and procrastination: the 3 Ps to avoid

*Smart Thinking*Forget excessive planning. Action is the key to success

Smart Thinking: It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?

*Smart Thinking:* Cathy Atkins on sales team management

Smart Thinking: Like quilting, networking is about making connections

My grandmother was a quilter. She met with a group of other ladies on a…

Smart Thinking

*Smart Thinking*Cathy Atkins unlocks the mysteries of hiring salespeople.

Smart Thinking: The mysteries of hiring salespeople unlocked: Part I

You were the top salesperson for years. Then one day you accepted management’s offer to…

Time allocation: the long and short of it

A fact is a fact: We can neither stop time nor create more of it.…