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Make Your List and Check It Twice

Make Your List and Check It Twice

Take time to enhance your own well-being.

Are you a list maker? One of those people who fills up a sheet with all the good intentions of things to complete? There’s something very satisfying about checking things off that list, isn’t there? It might be interesting to see how many of the things on your list involve supporting someone else’s goals, a work project, or a family need.

Consider taking an inventory of your typical list to identify what percentage of those items are directly related to supporting you in your well-being. How many involve creating a fun, satisfying life for yourself?

Imagine what would your life be like if you became a project with a check list. What would your list look like then? What would you add to your list? Would you take anything off your previous list?

Many people I meet have so many demands in their life that they miss the feelings of joy and fulfillment. I often suggest they make a list of 10 items that will add to their vitality on a daily basis, such as getting to bed by 10:00 p.m., taking their supplements, having quiet time, taking a lunch break. Next, I ask them to track the list daily.

What if you tried this exercise as well? You might start off with a 30 percent success rate, and that’s good. Keep moving forward and reach for 100 percent over time. It is neither sexy nor exciting, but it works.

My life coach once told me, “Enough with the army of one, Carolyn.” Asking for support or sharing my insecurity with a project (personal or professional) made me feel way too vulnerable. I’d rather stress and strain than be seen as not enough! However, I took on the project of identifying where I was in the flow and where I needed to let something go or find support.

For me, freedom and liberation were on the other side of caring for myself enough to share my insecurities. I invite you to check in with yourself and see when and where you feel that leaking of energy due to overwhelm or vulnerability. Once you’ve identified these areas, share them with someone you trust — a friend, a coach, or a colleague for support. Be in action around this. Add it to your list.

Where our focus goes, energy follows.

Another item on my list is taking the time to express gratitude. The definition of gratitude is, “the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for, and to return kindness.” The impact the power of gratitude has on us physically, mentally, and spiritually is profound. When we take on this commitment of listing what we’re grateful for, it can transform who we’re being, taking us from resentful all the way to rejoicing. As you design “Project You,” consider integrating a daily practice of gratitude.

It’s easy to go through life hoping that things will get better, easier, slower, and then you will be happy. When is now the right time for a great life? I would invite you to take on “Project You,” and create a list of the things that, if done daily, will enhance your well-being.

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