2017’s 20 Under 20: Caleb Bavlnka, Battle High School

Parents’ names:
Jason Bavlnka and Gretchen Bavlnka.
Dream job:
Chemical engineer.
Favorite class in high school:
AP chemistry.
Favorite club or extracurricular in high school:
Track and field.
Proudest accomplishment in high school:
I’m most proud of taking and aceing Calculus 3 at MU on top of my high school schedule. I put in the time and worked through my confusion to pass a college class I hardly thought I would survive.
Best advice you’ve ever received:
Have a vision of success. Whether it’s becoming an Eagle Scout or buying your first house, have something to aim for so you know you have something to do when you get up each morning.
Biggest lesson learned in high school:
Those who surround you will never be exactly like you. Your peers may be as smart, work as hard, or follow the same career path as you. But there will always be something that sets you apart from the rest — you just need to find it, chase it, and make it yours.
Future goals:
I see myself creating some sort of chemical molecule that benefits mankind. Whether this eliminates the drawbacks of herbicides, cures disease, or produces a brand new synthetic material, my future is open. I simply want to help people however I’m able.
Favorite teacher:
Mr. Leuchtmann is my favorite teacher because he was the first teacher I connected with when I moved to Battle. I’ve had him as a teacher every year since, and he’s helped me outside of the classroom with so many different opportunities.
Person I admire and why:
My father. He is everything a son could ask for and everything I want to be. He’s an engineer. He’s served our country. He’s my amazing father that I couldn’t be here without.
What you do for fun:
I run. Running helps me think about important things and de-stress before a busy day. Even if I never run a marathon, I can see consistent improvement over time.