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‘Trep Takeover draws crowd, returns value

‘Trep Takeover draws crowd, returns value

Nearly 100 people attended Columbia College’s ‘Trep Takeover event March 20 at Launer Auditorium. Panelists Monika Rydzewski, Jonah Lupton and Monica Mehta shared insight on entrepreneurship during the one and a half hour event moderated by Brian Neuner.

Steve Fishman, the former CEO of Big Lots and Columbia College alumna, spoke briefly at the event, addressing entrepreneurial students in the audience to “pay it back” to Columbia College. Fishman, along with his wife Barbara, donated $500,000 in 2012 to fund the Fishman Center for Entrepreneurship on Columbia College’s campus.

Audience members asked questions using the hashtag #TrepTakeover, and those at the event had the opportunity to speak directly with the panelists.

Brian Lopez, a sophomore at Columbia College, spoke to the panel about how to gain funding for his business idea. Lopez is looking to open a self-serve organic trail mix company and received advice on a wide range of topics from the panel.

“I was looking for a forum to pick the brains of investors to see how they think and how they choose to fund businesses,” Lopez said. Although he plans to take some of the panel’s advice, he notes he has more research to do. “There are so many students with great ideas that they want to take further, and this is the way to do it,” he said. “I wish there were more forums like this.”

To catch up on the conversation, read some of the social media buzz below:

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