Charlie Graznak of McAdams’ Ltd.

1. McAdams’ Ltd. is a family business. You and your mother, Rebecca Fahrendorf, run the shop together. What is it like to work so closely with each other? We love working together. We know each other so well that we don’t have any personality conflicts or communication problems. When we do disagree, we work it out quickly like a family would, without the power struggles I see in other workplaces.
2. You’ve been in business for quite a long time. How have you changed the way you operate to continue your success? We have not changed very much over the past few decades, and I credit a lot of our success to that. We are in the business of making memories, and that pursuit does not require constant updating; it just takes really caring about the people you serve. I think that by resisting change every time a new fad comes along, you can provide your customer base with consistency between visits. We do not follow each and every passing retail craze because over the course of doing business for years with each customer, we like to offer them some continuity.
3. What would you say has been the most significant change that has affected your business? I think the thing that has changed the most for me is our staff. When I was growing up in this business, the people who worked here planned to retire from McAdams’ Ltd. A lot of them did, with 20-plus years of experience under their belts. Now I am hiring new staff or looking for possible new additions all the time.
4. How long have you been in your current location? What is your take on the recent discussion regarding CVS? We have been here for 40 years. We are not pleased with the plan for CVS to come to this corner, but we are excited to start fresh in a new location.
5. How do you acquire so many unique items for your store? We usually have family members approach us out of mutual trust earned over the course of many years, and we help them find new homes for some of their most prized possessions. When people are trying to place things that it took their parents a lifetime to acquire, they need to feel that the people who are going to sell those items really care about them, the customers and the homes those things will end up in. We offer all of that.
6. How much of your business is estate jewelry compared to other things? And how has that changed over time? There will always be a market for estate jewelry and antique things because they retain their value and are often so obviously special and different from what you see every day.
7. Have you purchased any items that previously belonged to notable people? The most truly wonderful estates we have had the privilege of working with usually want to remain anonymous, but we have placed some very special jewelry with new owners that did belong at one time to what you might call regionally famous celebrities.
8. What are your competitive advantages to the national chain stores? How do you compete? I believe, with every transaction I complete, we offer every competitive advantage over a chain store. Starting with the initial impression our store gives the customer to the selection we offer and our willingness to help people find the right thing, we really do go the extra mile.