Boone County history

The 25th marker on the African-American Heritage Trail in Columbia, Missouri, recognizes the lynching of Black teen George Bush in 1889.

New Marker Recognizes ‘Despicable’ Side of Boone County History

Ceremony memorializes lynching of Black teen George Bush from the Boone County jail 134 years…

Crp Boco logo

1889 Lynching Memorial Speech

Remembering George Bush and Building Social Memory in the Face of Anti-Woke Legislation and Anti-CRT…

Gettyimages women holding up her hand which has the written words Stop Racism

Ceremony Memorializes 1889 Lynching

Local and national speakers set to address Boone County’s dark past. A ceremony to place…

vintage photo from 1892 of the fire at Academic Hall

‘COMO 365’ keeps history alive

Columbia history buff connects past with present  If you’re searching Wikipedia for historical details about…