
Entertainment through the Ages

Where Columbians drink, drank and had a good time throughout history


Indie groups and returning acts regularly perform for sold-out crowds in the city’s favorite venues, but what happens when they outgrow the Columbia stage?

Oh my God, like, Shoes

Why the boom in Columbia footwear startups? In a social-driven era of business, the city’s youngest entrepreneurs are setting the trends.

Movin’ On Up

Southern restaurant Zaxby’s joins the fast-casual restaurant market in Columbia

The Global Citizen

During her four months in Central America with The Traveling School, 16-year-old Ruthy Bondurant learned the kinds of cultural lessons only firsthand experience can teach.

Family Ties

Nelly Roach grew up on a tiny island in the western Pacific before moving to…

Have It All?

I can bring home the bacon, but only if you’re going to make dinner and…

Team Columbia

Photography By: Anthony Jinson We at Columbia Home thought our local student athletes deserved some…

The Underwriters

Agents National Title Insurance Co. becomes the fourth largest underwriter in Missouri, fueled by old-fashioned values and new-age technology.

Boys 2 Men

Rock Bridge High School students Nahush Katti and Vikram Arunachalam Arun start an international telemedicine company.

What’s for Dinner?

Top 10 Responses I’d Most Like to Give (but don’t) to the Question, “What’s for…

Full Speed Ahead

Just how fast can the internet go? Our look into the newest options in Columbia.