
Wolverton: Local housing market demonstrates resilience

*Real Estate Market Analysis*Bad economy highlights the local housing market’s resilience

People You Should Know: David Nivens

*People You Should Know*David Nivens, owner of Midwest Computech and TruMark Services

New Business Update: Milk and cookies on offer for downtown dwellers

*New Business Update*Hot Box Cookies opens its downtown doors

Guest Column: Allowing two associations in one neighborhood was bad decision

*Voices*Jim Muench on why two neighborhood associations is a bad idea

Tech Talk – Internet shopping can save money, gas and time

In these tough and uncertain economic times, seeking value and bargains is as important as…

City View: Mixed-use parking facility designed with Columbia’s future in mind

*City View*Bill Watkins explains need for new parking garage

Customer Service – When budgeting for advertising basics, look back before moving forward

With the onset of the fourth quarter, many businesses find themselves in the midst of…

Pew study: Americans think they’re not saving enough money

Verle Brown is in rare company. She’s one of few Americans who is comfortable with…

Columbia College changes philanthropic model, restructures

*Columbia College*Private college changes its philanthropic model and restructures several departments

People You Should Know: Rob Duncan

*People You Should Know*Rob Duncan, Vice chancellor for research at the University of Missouri

Business Profile: Screen Assist: Records checks help businesses make wise hires

*Business Profile: Screen Assist*Job screening company uses public records to help employers make new hires

Agency places mid- to post-career professionals

*Special Section*Jo Manhart helps place mid- to post-career professionals