Ray Beck

18 Articles Published | Follow:

Keene Streets evolution: From horse farm to medical complex, Keene’s businesses employ 2,000

*Ray’s Remembrance*Keene Street evolved from horse farm to medical complex

Stephens skywalks made ‘Suzie Corner’ more safe

*Pedestrian Bridges*Skywalks make up an
important part of city

City trust funds projects without using tax money

*Columbia’s Trust Fund*Ray Beck discusses the growth and development of the city trust.

City harnesses strong volunteer spirit

Historically, Columbia has been blessed with civic-minded citizens who love to volunteer. Our city has…

Flooding problems led to pioneering storm-water utility

Uncontrolled storm water can be hazardous and can cause major damage; it sometimes can even…

Historic Flat Branch evolves from eyesore to attraction

Early in its history, the Flat Branch area was Columbia’s primary commercial zone. Over time,…

Over generations, city demonstrates importance of Wabash Station, rail line

As Columbia moves toward the rededication of the renovated Wabash Station this fall, it seems…

Support for arts helps make a full-service city

On May 23, 1992, I announced the appointment of Greg Geissler as our first administrator…

City hall space needs grow with population

Columbians may not remember that the city launched its own space program in the 1960s.…

City bus service starts with scramble

One day in early August 1965, shortly after my return from a meeting on the…

Development along Stadium pioneering, but contentious

Newcomers to Columbia may be unaware that Stadium Boulevard was once called Conley Road, a…

CATSO drove road growth

It was one of those landmark city decisions, barely noticed by some, but millions of…