Columbia Business Times Archive

Columbia’s Wide array of certified green buildings

Building owners, architects and contractors have collaborated on a variety of construction and renovation projects in the city that earned the US Green Building Council’s highest ratings.

Local website guides consumers to green businesses

Arianna Parsons wants to help consumers do more to help the environment than turn off…

Econ Matters: Do we really benefit from tax credits?

Tax credits have been in the news a lot lately. First, the state of Missouri…

Socket lands Callaway broadband project

“Big city broadband. Rural reality.” That’s how Socket Telecom is touting the fiber-optic network it’s set to build in central Callaway County and a sliver of eastern Boone County.
This month the US Department of Agriculture awarded Socket a $16.6 million grant and a $7.1 million loan under the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Within the next 90 days, Socket will use that money to start building a fiber-optic network capable of serving more than 3,000 homes and businesses.
In the process, Socket will change as a company.

Golf fanatics unite: Are you up for a marathon challenge?

Let me start by saying I am not a golf warrior. In fact, I’ve never…

Kumon Math and Reading Center: A long-term investment in student success

Originally, Manjula Narasimhan just wanted to keep her daughter occupied. Now, the after-school teaching program…

Imagining downtown Columbia, 2025

H3 Studio’s urban planners, hired by the city for $60,000, conducted an intensive week-long planning exercise known as a charrette.

MU opens neuroscience center in renovated building

The Alzheimer’s Association estimates there are 110,000 elderly residents in Missouri with Alzheimer’s disease and…

MU deals with housing crunch

Facing a housing shortage on campus, the University of Missouri has for the third year…

Downtown development’s key players: MU, Columbia College

From the architect’s quiver comes the term charrette, meaning a collective effort to draw together…

Boone County carefully revising subdivision regulations

When Moses descended from Mt. Sinai, he brought with him the only set of rules…

Shopping for the planet

During a time when Columbia residents are worried about “secret” deals made by the city,…