Job descriptionI’m a member of the senior executive team with direct accountability for developing, executing,…
Job description Now in my 11th year, I teach classes that include advertising copywriting, public…
Job description I assist DeLine business entities and partners with development goals and strategies. Professional…
Job description Household manager for the people who live in my house! Professional background After…
Job description I manage the overnight shift from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Professional background…
Job description I am a documentary filmmaker who helped launch and teaches at the Murray…
Job description I am currently running for mayor of Columbia because I love this community.…
Job description A bit of everything, mostly supporting our great crew. Professional background Degree in…
Job description The director of finance serves as the City of Columbia’s chief financial officer…
Job description My role is to advance equity, increase brand awareness, and raise funds through…
Job description The superintendent is responsible for implementing the school board’s vision by making day-to-day…
Job description Along with supervising staff, I also work to build relationships and provide hope…