Mid-MO Auto Body

Central Missouri Auto Body Expands

In 1982, Carol Miller opened Central Missouri Auto Body with her husband. In the ensuing…

April: Closer Look

Southport Marketplace A new shopping center has grown by three since its days when Anne…

April: Movers and Shakers

Kellie Ann Coats, Executive Director, Missouri Women's Council

Job description: I promote and connect women business owners across the state to help them…

PYSK: Ryan Rapp, CFO, UM System

Job description: I’m the vice president for finance and chief financial officer for the University…

Build Me up, Bubblecup (Tea Zone)

Nellie Boyd has been visiting Bubblecup Tea Zone since she was in high school. The…

March: Movers and Shakers

Food Bank David Coil, Gina Gervino, Paula Fleming, and Marty McCormick will begin serving on…

Keeping It Clean: Cason Building Maintenance Inc.

It all began with two people going from business to business — scrubbing, vacuuming, getting…

March: Closer Look

Hudson Hawk Barber & Shop Paul Catlett and Thad Forrester solved a problem for the…

March: Briefly in the News

Hy-Vee Market Grille Collaborative Cocktail Menu Hy-Vee Market Grille, the restaurant launched by the West…

Real Estate: Taking Stock of Medical Office Real Estate

Medical office real estate has emerged as a significant and robust subclass of office real…

Policy: The City Budget

For the second year, the Columbia Chamber of Commerce has produced a local agenda intended…