Have you ever said something on a sales call that sounded a lot better in…
The art of sales is about communication. Those who can communicate the most effectively will…
His heart was in the right place. He had passion, commitment and preparation on his side. What’s more, the information he was presenting was right on target. The way he presented it, however, was terribly wrong.
Numbers, numbers, everywhere. Many salespeople invest significant time attempting to manage numbers: revenue sold, profit…
A few years ago, I saw a comedian whose entire routine was based on “first…
One day, I might try my hand at movie making. I have a great idea:…
Our world is built on systems. To stay in good working order, everything successful has…
Managers recognize that a primary part of their job is to keep their employees productive.…
*Smart Thinking:*Business success comes from goldmedal training, discipline and drive.
*Smart Thinking*When business practices aren’t working, it’s time for a new strategy.
*Smart Thinking*Cathy Atkins urges business leaders to plan positively for 2010
It happened again: Yet another conversation with a frustrated business owner lamenting a dramatic loss…