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City of Columbia’s Boards & Commissions

City of Columbia’s Boards & Commissions

A little something for everyone.

Boards and commissions help advise the city council and make recommendations for the betterment of the City of Columbia. Most members, but not all, are appointed by the council to serve a predetermined term length, but every member must meet certain qualifications to be appointed. Each member must attend scheduled meetings and carry out their assigned duties. 

Airport Advisory Board  

This group studies the airport’s demands, then makes recommendations about the airport’s usage and development to the council. The city council appoints five of the board’s voting members, and everyone serves a 3-year term. 

Bicycle/Pedestrian Commission

This commission generates a master bike plan, then develops and submits annual grants. The group also carries out plans for bike routes as needed, educates on proper bike use and registration, and advises the city council on matters concerning sidewalks, walkways, and trails. All nine members are council appointees, with one acting as a contact to the parks and recreation commission. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in July.

Board of Adjustment

This board hears and makes decisions upon all appeals and matters referred to under the city’s laws and ordinances. All members must be COMO residents and serve a 5-year term. Openings for new members occur in May for regular members and Nov. for alternate members. 

Board of Health

Advises on public health and animal control matters to the Columbia City Council, Boone County Commission, and the health director. The board consists of 11 members with seven of them being appointed by the city council and the other four appointed by the County Commission. Members serve 3-year terms.

Building Construction Codes Commission

This group reviews building, electrical, plumbing, and fire codes to make changes if needed. It also considers appeals made toward the decisions of the code official or fire marshal. The commission consists of 11 regular members and 11 alternate members, all appointed by the city council. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in August.

Citizens Police Review Board

This reviews actual or perceived police misconduct, arranges educational programs, encourages policies, procedures, and trainings, and also audits police department records to ensure compliance. The board consists of nine members with eight of them being appointed by the city council. Members serve a 3-year term with openings for new members occurring in October/November. 

City Council

The council creates policy and law and consists of seven members from six city wards and the mayor. All members must be elected by the citizens of COMO, and the ward council members must live and be qualified to vote in the ward they represent. Each member serves a 3-year term with elections staggered each April by ward.  Upcoming elections for council members are: April 2023 for ward 1 and ward 5; April 2024 for ward 2 and ward 6. and April 2025 for wards 3, 4, and the mayor. 

City of Columbia New Century Fund, Inc. Board

This seeks contributions to put toward the advancements and betterment of the City of Columbia. The board consists of seven members, all appointed by the city council. Members serve 3-year terms with openings in September, except for the city council representative, who has a 1-year term that begins in May. 

Climate and Environment Commission

Advises city staff on the Climate Adaptation and Action Plan (CAAP) progress report. It also educates the public, analyzes the annual greenhouse gas emissions inventory, and does other work related to COMO’s climate. The board consists of 15 members,  all appointed by the city council. Members serve a 3-year term with openings for new board members occurring in November.

Collaborative Adaptive Management (CAM)

Enhances the water quality in the Hinkson Creek and narrows down the most effective approaches to combat water quality challenges. There are three subcommittees involved in CAM, including the stakeholder committee, the action team, and the science team.

Columbia and Boone County Library District Board

This board appoints the library’s CEO, controls library fund expenditures, purchases leases, sells real property, and extends privileges for non-residents to use the library. The board consists of nine members, with five of them being appointed by the mayor, and the other four members appointed by the Boone County Commission. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in June.

Columbia Area Transportation Study Organization (CATSO)

Serves as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to ensure coordinated transportation plans. The Transportation Plan contains elements covering roadways, transit, bicycles, and pedestrian facilities.

Columbia Arts Fund Advisory Committee

Recommends and monitors grant distributions from the fund and is accountable to the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation.

Columbia Housing Authority Board

Acquires, leases, and operates housing projects; contracts for furnishings and services; invests funds; investigates living, dwelling and housing conditions, and issues a report of the annual audit of all operations and activities undertaken. The board consists of five members all appointed by the mayor. Members serve staggered 4-year terms.

Columbia Parks and Recreation Fund Advisory Committee

Recommends and monitors grant distributions from the fund and is accountable to the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation. 

Columbia Police Chief’s Vehicle Stops Committee

Examines data, identifies factors affecting the decision to stop a vehicle, finds ways to fill data gaps, creates a timeline for research, and examines police training that requires change to address the disparities in the vehicle stop rates by the Columbia Police Department.

Columbia Sports Commission

Advises and makes recommendations to the Convention and Visitors Bureau with regards to sporting events, sporting-related projects, and promotions while also advising the city council on any sports-related efforts. The commission consists of 11 voting members and three non-voting members, with seven of them being appointed by the city council. Members serve a 2-year term with openings for new members occurring in December.

Columbia Vision Commission

Advises the city council on matters of community engagement regarding the implementation of the current and future city strategic plan. The commission is composed of nine members serving a 3-year term with openings for new members occurring in December.

Commission on Cultural Affairs

Advises on all matters pertaining to the arts and cultural environment of the city of Columbia and makes recommendations on funding for arts programs and services. The commission is composed of 12 members serving a 3-year term with openings for new members occurring in October.

Commission on Cultural Affairs Standing Committee on Public Art

Assists the city council in considerations of public art to recommend the type and location of public art to be commissioned as well as whether an artist’s competition should be held and the extent of that competition. Works closely with and involves members from the Commission on Cultural Affairs. The committee consists of at least five members, with three members being appointed by the city council and two members by the Commission on Cultural Affairs. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in July.

Commission on Human Rights

Creates educational programs to minimize or eliminate discriminatory practices, investigates complaints alleging discriminatory practices, provides mediation to resolve incidences of alleged discriminatory practices, and advises the city council on human rights issues. The committee consists of seven members who serve a 3-year term with openings for new members occurring in March.

Community Land Trust Organization Board

Not-for-profit corporation that preserves the long-term affordability of housing units formed through public subsidies. The board consists of nine members that are appointed by the city council.

Conley Fund Advisory Committee  

Recommends and monitors grant distributions from the fund and is accountable to the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation. Current members include the City of Columbia’s directors of finance, public health and human services, and law.

Convention and Visitors Advisory Board

Advises the city council, city manager, and department director on the use of funds from hotel and motel tax, provides annual report to the city council regarding the convention and visitors department budget, and projects and promotions referred to the board for review. The board consists of 12 members serving a 2-year term with openings for new board members occurring in September.

Disabilities Commission

Holds public hearings to review concerns of residents with disabilities, advises the city council, reviews or monitors the accessibility of public and private facilities, and education as to the concerns of residents with disabilities. The commission consists of twelve members serving 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in June.

Downtown Columbia Leadership Council

Reviews the boundaries of the expanded downtown development concept plan and study area and makes recommendations on development guidelines and physical attributes for downtown Columbia. The board consists of 16 members with six of them being appointed by city council. Members serve a 3-year term with openings for new members occurring in May.

Finance Advisory and Audit Committee

Advises and makes recommendations to the city council on financial matters. The committee is made up of five members serving 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in December.

Firefighters’ Retirement Board  

Advises the city council on the administration of the firefighters’ retirement plan and fund. The board consists of five members with two of them being appointed by the city council. Members serve a 2-year term with openings for new members occurring in December.

Growth Impact Study Working Group

Assists the consultant hired by the city to examine the fiscal ramifications of growth in construction, population, and territory in Columbia. Provides recommendations for allocation of growth-related costs for fiscally sustainable growth, establishing an analytical model to adapt to Columbia, and reviewing and commenting on the consultant’s work as it progresses. The task force consists of five members appointed by the council. There are no term limits.

Historic Preservation Commission

Investigates and recommends the adoption of ordinances designating protection areas as having special cultural, historic, archeological, community, or architectural value as “notable property,” “landmarks,” or “historic districts;” keeps a register of all properties and structures which have been designated; educates citizens of COMO concerning the historic, archeological, and architectural heritage of the city. The commission consists of seven members serving 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in September.

Housing and Community Development Commission

Advises in all matters pertaining to affordable housing and community development, considers the annual application for expenditures of federal funds under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, and makes recommendations to the city manager and city council. The commission consists of nine members with eight of them being appointed by the city council. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occuring in November.

Human Services Commission

Determines human service needs of citizens, assembles a plan that outlines the needs and services essential in meeting those needs, and recommends the appropriate providers of the approved services to the city council. The commission consists of ten members all appointed by the council. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occuring in December.

Investment Committee

Establishes and reviews the policy for investments. The committee consists of voting members of the firefighters’ and the police retirement board as well as the director of finance.

Loan and Grant Committee 

Reviews and determines loan applications for the city’s housing programs, loan terms and requirements, and other various duties assigned. The committee consists of five members all appointed by the city manager.

Marijuana Facility License Review Board

Reviews appeals regarding marijuana facility licenses to affirm or deny the appeal through the business services administrator. The board consists of three members with one of them being appointed by the city council. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in September.

Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Health

Educates about the importance of regular physical fitness activity, encourages local physical fitness and sports programs in the community, assists local businesses, schools, and community organizations in establishing fitness programs. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in November.

Mayor’s Task Force on the U.S.S. Columbia

Maintains positive relationships between the City of Columbia, the U.S. Navy, and the crew of the U.S.S. Columbia, as well as the cities of Columbia, Illinois, and Columbia, South Carolina as it pertains to the U.S.S. Columbia. The task force consists of eleven members with nine of them being appointed by the Mayor There are no term limits.

Parking Advisory Commission  

Studies, plans, and advises the city council on parking resources. The commission consists of nine members with six of them being appointed by the city council. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in February.

Parks and Recreation Commission

Advises on matters pertaining to public recreation, makes budget recommendations, and assists in planning recreation programs The commission consists of seven members and must include representation from each of the six wards of the city. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in May.

Personnel Advisory Board

Advises on the status of the personnel system, reviews changes in personnel policies, hears appeals from corrective/disciplinary actions and answers questions on guidelines of conduct for municipal employees. The board consists of seven members serving 3-year terms with openings occurring in May for regular members, and November for alternates.

Planning and Zoning Commission

Submits and makes recommendations for the interpretation of a comprehensive development plan for adoption by the city council; acts as a zoning commission; prepares and recommends rules controlling subdivision of land; recommends approval or disapproval of plats for land subdivision and legislation to further city planning. The commission consists of nine members serving 4-year terms with openings for new members occurring in May.

Police Retirement Board

Advises the city council on the administration of the police retirement plan and fund. The board consists of five members serving 2-year terms with openings for new members occurring in December.

Public Transit Advisory Commission

Advises about transit policy and safety matters concerning transit issues affecting the City of Columbia. The commission consists of thirteen members with ten of them being appointed by the city council. Members appointed by city council serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in February.

Railroad Advisory Board

Advises the city council on the operation and needs of the Columbia Terminal and shippers to ensure sound and efficient management of said rail line. The board consists of seven members serving 4-year terms with openings for new members occurring in July.

Rock Quarry Road Scenic Roadway Stakeholder Advisory Group

Works with the Planning and Zoning Commission to determine the values and preferences regarding the scenic preservation and roadway design within and along the Rock Quarry Road Scenic Roadway corridor and provides roadway design input regarding the level of service needs of all intended roadway users against the scenic roadway district preservation goals in proposing specific design options. The council appoints up to fifteen members to this group, and there are no term limits.

St. Charles Transportation Development District Board

The St. Charles Transportation Development District (TDD) is a political subdivision. The city council appoints one member to the board.

Substance Abuse Advisory Commission

Advises the city council on matters pertaining to substance abuse and promotes the coordination of programs intended to prevent and eliminate the abuse of alcohol and other controlled substances. The commission consists of 10 members with seven of them being appointed by the city council. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in October.

Tax Increment Financing Commission

Advises the city council as it relates to the consideration of tax increment financing proposals submitted. The commission consists of 11 members with six of them being appointed by the mayor with consent of the council. Members serve 4-year terms.

The District Community Improvement District Board 

An independent organization dedicated to keeping COMO’s downtown vital. The board consists of 15 members and consists of property owners, business owners, and residents throughout The District.

The Loop Community Improvement District Board

Develops and recommends an annual budget and work plan, oversees revenue and administration of funds, monitors performance and provision of services, ensures assessments are being utilized in accordance with the legislative intent of the Community Improvement District. Also supervises the management of Community Improvement District-financed programs, provides outreach and advocacy to members, public officials, and the community at large. The board consists of seven members appointed by the mayor with approval from the city council serving 3-year terms.

Tobacco Retailer License Review Board

Hears appeals of decisions regarding the denial, suspension or revocation of tobacco licenses and either affirms the action taken by the business services administrator or directs the business services administrator to grant or reinstate the license. The board consists of three members, with one of them being appointed by the city council. Members serve 3-year terms with openings for new members occurring in March.

Tree Board

Addresses issues regarding trees of public and private land, advises the city council on urban forest resources and the Columbia Urban Forest Master Plan, provides information to the public, and relays information from citizens to the city council regarding tree issues. The board consists of seven members appointed by the council. Members serve 3-year terms.

University of Missouri Extension Council of Boone County  

The University of Missouri Extension Council makes recommendations to the university regarding its Extension Program and administers Boone County’s share of the cost of extension services in the area. The city council appoints one member who serves a 2-year term with openings for a new member occurring in March.

Water and Light Advisory Board  

Performs duties according to the charter and code of ordinances of the city and reports their findings and recommendations at least annually to the residents of COMO and the city council. The board consists of five members serving 4-year terms with openings for new members occurring in June.

Youth Advisory Council

Advises the city council in all matters pertaining to youth and youth-related issues. All members must be 14-19 years old and appointed by the city council. Members serve a 3-year term with openings for new members occurring in May.

For more information, visit
*All information was current at time of writing. 

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