True/False Through the Eyes of a Newbie

Publisher Deb Valvo “gets it” after her inaugural experience.
To be perfectly honest, prior to last year, I had almost no interest in the True/False Film Festival. And I won’t pretend that some of that wasn’t due to being more than a little intimidated by the process involved to secure specific films.
But then I got the chance to see the light! Carol Miller of Central Missouri Auto Body asked me to join her. We relied heavily upon Holly Smith-Berry to guide us (thank you, Holly!) and the rest is history.
As two newbies, Carol and I were both unsure what to expect. We went to the opening night gala and were immediately swept up in the terrific energy and fun festivities. What great people watching! Everyone was in high spirits (some perhaps with the assistance of the adult beverages available) and you just couldn’t help but get caught up in the merriment.
While some would consider our inaugural effort as a bit anemic, we approached the festival conservatively with the number of our film selections. I’ll now admit I could have watched a few more, but remember, I was a skeptical newbie!
If you’re a potential convert, here’s what I can tell you about attending True/False now that I’m such an expert (ha) –
- Parking was not an issue in the least.
- Crowds were interesting, manageable, and downright friendly.
- No matter to what degree you choose to immerse yourself, you’re bound to have a great experience.
- Being able to hear the film’s producers’ insight prior to the viewing and partake in the questions afterward was a huge enhancement to the experience.
- There is an abundance of great music and fascinating art to experience during the festival.
- The venues where we saw our film selections didn’t seem to have a bad seat in the house.
I came away from that weekend last year saying “I get it now.” I totally appreciate why this festival is such a big deal in our community. And I’m perhaps a little embarrassed that it took me so long to embrace it. But once you do, there’s no turning back.