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CYSK: Nic & Brooke Parks

CYSK: Nic & Brooke Parks

Entrepreneurs Nic and Brooke Parks team up at work and home.

How did you meet?
Nic: I met Brooke in a meeting room at Cornell Hall for MBA orientation at MU. We all had to introduce ourselves to the group. When I saw her, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her (but I tried to play it cool).

What was your first date?
N: We did not have an official “first date,” but I remember having lunch together on the last day of orientation. We walked over to the student center in the rain and I held an umbrella for her.
Brooke: We never had an official first date, but if I had to pick one, it would have been a casual outing to Buffalo Wild Wings.

How long have you been together?
B: 14 years.

What is your favorite art or culture activity in Columbia?
N: I spend a lot of time planning for Tigers on the Prowl events. I enjoy working with our board members, sponsors, and artists to raise money for local charities.
B: We love visiting all of the amazing locally owned restaurants and trying new ones when they open.

What is the key to a lasting and healthy relationship?
N: I think the key is being with the right person. A lifelong partner is someone
that you want to spend every moment with, who loves you unconditionally, and who shares common interests and long-term goals.
B: Marrying your best friend is a good start. Then make sure that you both put in your best effort.

What has been your favorite project to work on together?
N: The Pinball Company.
B: We built our dream home together four years ago, and it was fun to help design and pick out all of the finishes together.

What is one thing people don’t know about your spouse?
N: Brooke is the one who primarily runs The Pinball Company, not me. She is organized and is a great salesperson. She would be a great CEO for many other companies.
B: He is home by 6:00 or before every night to have dinner with the family.

What makes you most proud of your partner?
N: Brooke is the hardest working person I know. She is essential in running our business and maintaining our family
and home.
B: Giving back to the community is really important to him. He’s also the smartest person I know — his entrepreneurial spirit knows no bounds!

What is unique about your relationship?
N: We can work together all day and still want to be together.
B: We literally stand three feet apart for a large part of the day. We complement each other very well: Nic does more big-picture jobs while I focus on day-to-day operations.

How would you describe your relationship in one word?
B: Partnership.

What does the future hold for the two of you?
N: I want to spend less time running our business and more time creating amazing memories for our family.

What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled together?
N: Vegas, no contest.
B: We are creatures of habit: We love
Las Vegas and Miami. And now that we have kids, we love taking them to Disney World.

What does your family like to do outside of work?
N: We like to take trips, play outside, go for walks, and hang out at the pool.

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