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Ask Anne: How to Make the Right Hire

Ask Anne: How to Make the Right Hire


I am having the biggest problem in hiring the right people. How do I make the right decisions so people want to work here for the long haul?


People will stay on the job if they like the work and the culture — and if the compensation is in line with industry standards. There’s a handy acronym to help you make the RIGHT hire.

R — Responsibility. How much responsibility does each interviewer take to ensure a successful job match? There is no quick fit when it comes to hiring. Decision-makers need to learn to take the process carefully.

I — Information. You need to be on a quest for information about your job candidates. Learn what culture they prefer to work in, the management style that works best for them, their technical skills and leadership abilities, and what they want from you as a leader. Ask each candidate the same questions so you can compare apples to apples.

G — Goals. Always set the goal of making every staffing match between a candidate and the position a win-win-win. The job candidate wins when the job meets his or her employment needs and career desires. The company wins when the candidate you match to the job is the best you can recommend to solve issues or help your company grow. You win when the candidate you endorse is an asset to you in your job and contributes to make the team stronger.

H — Habits. There is no room for complacency. Form good work habits that minimize the possibility of picking the wrong candidate. Develop and implement a thorough matching process that becomes a habit.

T — Team. Team focus is essential when hiring a new person. Every time someone is hired, it affects the team. Your team members look to you to make the very best recommendation to help their department work well together and succeed.

Remember it’ll take a while, too. Writing job descriptions, advertising open vacancies, calling candidates to arrange meetings, interviewing, and making hiring decisions is tough work and time consuming, especially for those businesspeople without HR prowess.



I am a small business owner with eight employees. Before the company started three years ago, all the employees, including me, worked for another company. The issue I’m having trouble with is that most of the employees see me as a co-worker and friend, not an authority figure or their boss. What can I do?


I bet you find yourself not knowing how to act at work these days. I’m a boss — generally, I handle things quickly and stay as upfront and positive as I can be. Personally, I’m more comfortable talking to employees individually than in a group setting. When you’re one-on-one, you’re able to discuss all problems they have and issues that they might see in the company. They may feel free to give suggestions. Often, in a group, people don’t speak up.
If you haven’t read “The Four Agreements,” by Don Michel Ruiz, I highly suggest you do. It’s a short read, but it has a message to live by. Ruiz outlines “four agreements” that we’ve all learned and practiced along our way. The problem is we often leave out a step, don’t remember all four at the same time, or just forget the whole thing.
Though I’m not perfect, I do try to live this way. When it comes to working with employees, I think the agreements are extra valuable.

The basic agreements:
  • Be impeccable with your word. Don’t lie to your employees, be to the point, don’t gossip about anyone.
  • Don’t take anything personally. People don’t do things to hurt you intentionally; people say or do things for themselves.
  • Don’t make assumptions. See, hear, speak, and write well in order to avoid misunderstandings or drama in the workforce.
  • Always do your best. Your best is your best depending on a lot of things. When you do your best, you set a great example for others and will never have room for regret in your world.


Anne Williams is the president of JobFindersUSA. She is not an attorney. All content in this column is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality and is not to be construed as legal advice.

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