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CYSK: Chris Scrivner & Arminta Phelps

CYSK: Chris Scrivner & Arminta Phelps

  • wedding photo by Love Tree Studios
Newlyweds Chris Scrivner and Arminta Phelps achieve balance at work and home.

How did you meet?

Chris: I was GM at a restaurant and was checking on guests to make sure their experience was up to expectations, and she was having lunch with her mom.

When was your first date?

Arminta: September 25, 2013. We started at the patio at Bleu and then went to The Blue Note’s Summer Fest. We danced and laughed the whole night. It was wonderful!

What is your favorite cultural activity in Columbia?

A: We really enjoy watching live music. Columbia is blessed with great venues like The Blue Note and Rose Music Hall. We love taking my son, Jackson, with us whenever we can.

What makes you most proud of your partner?

C: She’s a genuine loving soul and a total go-getter who has an incredible vision of saving our community through empowering people to take action on their health.

What is unique about your relationship?

A: What’s not unique about us? He manages my clinic, Achieve Balance Chiropractic, so we work together. We base vacations around music events or wellness conferences, since those are our two favorite things.

What’s the key to a lasting and healthy relationship?

C: Just like what we teach our patients: if you want something to last a long time, you have to put in work and effort to keep it maintained and functioning properly. You can’t expect your relationship to be healthy if you’re not willing to invest time and effort into it.

What is your favorite restaurant in Columbia?

C: CC’s City Broiler.
A: Murry’s is one of our staples.

How long have you been together?

C: We met on April 23, 2013, had our first date on September 25, 2013, and were married three years from the day we met on April 23, 2016.

Tell us about your family.

C: Arminta is so loving and passionate, and Jackson is a joy to hang out with every day. Watching him grow into this super smart, caring, young man is a blessing. We also have little Olaf, our dog, who provides comic relief and lots of snuggles.

What are the best aspects of your partner?

C: She is a beautiful soul that expresses love like no one I have ever met.
A: His down-for-whatever attitude. He totally supports my vision and mission, and he’s my rock. He helps keep me grounded and sane.

How does business play into your relationship?

C: It’s not like business is business and home is home. They’re intermingled. Our friends are sometimes patients and our business colleagues are friends. When you own your own business, there’s always crossover because Achieve Balance is an extension of who we are. It’s definitely a balancing act to make sure that we don’t talk too much shop at home.
A: It’s all one and the same. Our personal lives and our professional lives are just extensions of who we are. We embrace the fact that we get to save lives every day, go home have some awesome family time, and then do it all over again the next day. It’s really a blessing to get to do what we do every day.

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