Introducing Kathleen Bruegenhemke, Hawthorn Bank

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What is your area of expertise? 

Financial operations and risk management.

How long have you been with this company?

25 years.

To what do you attribute your success? 

I’m still striving for success, but I’ve certainly benefited from a supportive family and from a variety of mentors who have educated and inspired me while challenging my thought process.

From what do you draw strength? 

By learning from my mistakes and growing from my accomplishments.

What inspires you? 

To be better tomorrow.

How have other women impacted your life?

I am fortunate to work every day with lots of great women, but the most impactful woman in my life is my mom. Growing up, I saw my parents work side by side in their sole proprietorship. After Dad passed away, Mom continued to operate the family business and it was evident how responsible Mom was for the success of the business. My mom has great business acumen.

What strengths do you bring to those around you?

I work with an awesome group of people so I probably draw more from them than I contribute.

What advice would you give to a younger version of you? 

Make time to travel more!

On a typical weeknight, we could find you doing what? 

I’m an early riser so by the time I get home from work and read the paper, it very well could be time for bed!

Anything else? 

I’ve always worked in professional environments that encourage employees (men and women alike) to be thinkers and problem solvers. Because of that, I never felt a glass ceiling! The only limitations I have are the ones that have been self-imposed!

1110 Club Village Drive, Columbia, MO


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