CPS Free- and Reduced-Price Lunch Percentages
This piece originally appeared in print as part of “Rewriting the Story”
Elementary Schools
Alpha Hart Lewis Elementary School: 75.93%
Battle Elementary School: 61.73%
Benton Elementary School: 73.44%
Blue Ridge Elementary School: 79.34%
Cedar Ridge Elementary School: 50.97%
Derby Ridge Elementary School: 72.08%
Fairview Elementary School: 31.24%
Field School: 47.83%
Grant Elementary School: 36.13%
Lee Elementary School: 37.16%
Midway Heights Elementary School: 31.95%
Mill Creek Elementary School: 12.62%
New Haven Elementary School: 57.09%
Parkade Elementary School: 58.39%
Paxton Keeley Elementary School: 28.63%
Ridgeway Elementary School: 17.99%
Rock Bridge Elementary School: 33.12%
Russell Boulevard Elementary School: 37.19%
Shepard Boulevard Elementary School: 49.91%
Two Mile Prairie Elementary School: 38.25%
West Boulevard Elementary School: 74.72%
Middle Schools
Gentry Middle School: 20.52%
Jefferson Middle School: 62.06%
Lange Middle School: 62.06%
Oakland Middle School: 55.49%
Smithton Middle School: 34.64%
West Middle School: 40.56%
High Schools
Battle High School: 49.97%
Douglass High School: 70.87%
Hickman High School: 32.09%
Rock Bridge High School: 21.69%
CORE: 66.13%
Source: Missouri Department of Education