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Lessons Learned From Exercise

Lessons Learned From Exercise

I had the privilege to get to know and work with Teresa Mee’s on her recent article “Joy in Movement” for Columbia Home magazine. I was so incredibly moved by her attitude and ability to take what would immobilize most people (diagnosis of MS and breast cancer) and in her own words, “Embrace yourself and what life has given you, and let the joy and strength grow from there”. If you haven’t had a chance to read her article, please do so, it will inspire you!

We often find what we are capable of achieving when we are faced with difficulties. Teresa found exercise as therapy for her disease and developed a deeper understanding of “what she was made of” mentally and physically. I thought about the life lesson’s I’ve learned from exercise that I’ve applied to other areas of my life. Or vice versa, what I’ve learned in life that I apply to exercise: Believe in yourself, you’ll realize you can do more than what you THINK you’re capable of doing.

My ten lessons learned:

– Believe in yourself. You’ll realize you can do more than what you THINK you’re capable of doing.

– Attitude is the most important thing.

– No one else is going to do it for you!- Damn!

– If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.

– Set goals – make sure it’s tied to something that’s worth putting in the effort and then reminding yourself of it every day.

– Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, just ask yourself, “Am I better today than I was yesterday?”

– Everyone has the same amount of time in the day, make it count!

– There are no short cuts in life. -Double Damn!

– It takes 21 days to create a new habit or change an existing one. The 22nd day is a day to celebrate!

– Put people in our life that hold you accountable and push you.


Get busy, and get fit!




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