What the Home Pros Know

What the Home Pros Know with Elias Abadi from Como Premium Exteriors

How Often Do I Need a Roof Inspection for Home Safety? 

Elias Abadi gives signs your roof may need an inspection – and how often you should get it inspected without any warning signs.

What the Home Pros Know with Shaun Henry from Atkins

High Tech versus Tried and True 

Shaun Henry discusses high-tech trends in turf and tree care and how it can affect your curb appeal in Columbia.

What the Home Pros Know with Austin Ilsley from AI Painting Plus

Do you know the risks of lead-based paint?

Austin Ilsley discusses the risk of lead-based paint especially during any renovation, repair, or painting in a pre-1978 built home.

What the Home Pros Know with Brendan Rost from Rost Landscaping

Building the Perfect Outdoor Kitchen

Brendan Rost from Rost Inc., discusses building the perfect outdoor kitchen as a functional space.

What the Home Pros Know with Matt Novinger from Como Premium Exteriors

Common Roofing Problems Found During Inspections

Matt Novinger discusses common roofing problems found during inspections.

What the Home Pros Know with Austin Ilsley from AI Painting Plus

Getting to Know: Austin Ilsley

Get to know Austin Ilsley of Ai Painting Plus as he lets us in on the day to day of his life.

What the Home Pros Know with Brendan Rost from Rost Landscaping

Paver Driveways: The Ultimate Showstopper

Brendan Rost from Rost Inc., discusses how driveways are the entrance to your property and how you can dress them up with style and function.

What the Home Pros Know with Shaun Henry from Atkins

Different Plants. Different Needs. 

Shaun Henry discusses how different plants have different needs in your local landscape.

What the Home Pros Know with Kelly McBride from Rost Landscaping

How to Incorporate Color and Texture into your Landscape this Winter

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again — there is so much more…

What the Home Pros Know with Shaun Henry from Atkins

Your Well Being  

Pest issues can cause adverse health issues for you and your family – Shaun Henry with Atkins talks about what to watch for.

What the Home Pros Know with Chet Kent from Como Premium exteriors

Signs it’s Time to Replace Your Siding

Chet Kent with CoMo Premium Exteriors discusses the pros and cons of different types of siding for your home.

What the Home Pros Know with Jake Baumgartner from Baumgartner's furniture

Mattress and Bedding 101 

Jake Baumgartner schools us on the basics of bedding and mattresses.