
Customer Service: The Big Apple challenge: Too tired for Sex and the City

*Customer Service*In the Big Apple, Lili Vianello finds that running in heels is harder than it looks.

MACC moving to Parkade Center, reaches MU admissions pact

*Parkade Campus*Moberly Area Community College moving to Columbia’s original mall

Smart Thinking: Get your head in the Game

*Smart Thinking*Cathy Atkins urges business leaders to plan positively for 2010

People You Should Know: Mark Mills

*People You Should Know*Mark Mills, the new boss at Cumulus, loves Cosmo Park

Radio listeners changing habits

*Tuning Out*A CBT analysis of Columbia’s radio market

Walther elected Bar president

*Boss of the Bar*Columbia attorney Skip Walther assumes presidency of organization in challenging time

Construction Update

*Construction Update*Landmark Hospital plans to open Sept. 21 on a limited basis.

Grove leaves Little Dixie Construction after 35 years

*Personality Profile*Bob Grove leaves Little Dixie Construction after 35 years.

Womens clothing store opens downtown

*New Business Update*Fariha Mavrakis opens a new women’s clothing store downtown.

2009 Roots ‘n Blues ‘n BBQ Festival

*Centerspread*CBT’s guide to the 3rd Annual Roots ‘N Blues ‘N BBQ Festival.

Wine Tasting: Artistry in local winemaking

*Wine Tasting*Les Bourgeois releases wine maker selects.

Tom O’Connor cut his electric bill 80 percent, and says you can too

*Home Energy Conservation*Tom O’Connor shows how to drastically reduce electric bills.