What’s New

Marathon buys August Systems

Marathon Building Environments today purchased August Systems, a home electronics company, from Bridgid Miller. Marathon…

No secret, floral shop moving around corner

My Secret Garden is moving from Ninth Street, a half block north of Broadway, to…

United Way sets higher fundraising goal

The Heart of Missouri United Way kicked off its annual fundraising campaign today and announced…

Green Jobs: Conservation push energizes Columbia economy

Columbia’s incentives for saving energy are catching on with consumers, but the effort is doing more than cutting electric bills. It’s also created jobs and pumped millions of dollars into the local economy.

Dealer sold on solar

Dan Shifley, whose company sells commercial heating, ventilation and air conditioning products, hit upon the…

Biomass could fuel data center

A coalition trying to bring a data center to northern Columbia is promoting the concept of burning biomass to generate some of its electricity, thereby providing a renewable energy source and reducing the impact on the environment.

Power supply answer blowing in the wind?

At Sterling Dental Care, dentist Colin A. Malaker is doing more than helping patients keep their pearly whites right and bright. He’s also pioneering the use of wind turbines in Columbia.

New businesses spawned by energy conservation

Missouri Solar Applications www.mosolarapps.com (573) 635-0211 Midwest Power Solutions LLC 3408 Buttonwood Drive (573) 355-5534…

Heating, cooling with Mother Earth

My father always said a well is just a hole in the ground, but the…

Peckham's river power project gains momentum

When Nick Peckham talks about his plan to generate power from the world’s rivers, he sounds more like a philosopher and anthropologist than the owner of an architectural firm.
Peckham, originally trained at the US Merchant Marine Academy and a licensed engineer, is in the early phases of developing a hydroelectric device he patented and named RioGen, essentially a floating paddle wheel meant to harness the steady power of a river to generate electricity.

Solar power business heating up

Vaughn Prost’s newest company, Missouri Solar Applications LLC, got its start through a conversation with an old college friend who headed Dow Chemical’s research on solar electric shingles

How to save energy without really trying

It turns out that I’m going to be saving a whole lot of energy and money. I didn’t plan it; all I wanted was clean windows.