Columbia Business Times Archive

Challenge for additional funding involves seeking public good from private interests

Public research universities are faced with the ongoing challenge of finding the best combination of…

Our Point of View

City Council fails first significant visioning test On the same week that the Columbia City…

The Great Outdoors

Outfitters hope patrons go take a hike, bike or engage in whatever other outdoor activity…

Daniel Boone Little League’s business sponsorships are homegrown

Amid the accolades our Daniel Boone Little League team earned by making it into the…

City targets commercial side of urban blight

Once a thriving restaurant where former President Bill Clinton dined, the old Sutton Place at…

McDonald’s latest horror movie mixes ghosts with gore

Michael D. McDonald is determined to keep making low-budget movies in Columbia, and he’s lot…

American culture should be respected in midst of cultural awareness

I have grown very weary of people telling me that I must understand the cultures…

Vision for downtown must include improved infrastructure throughout city

The ninth floor of the Tiger Hotel was the setting for a recent gathering of…

Marketing and advertising executives outline industry trends

As businesses compete, strategies for advertising and marketing campaigns must change to meet the tastes…

Local businesses use blogs and podcasts

One of Lisa Scribner’s customers wanted baked beans. After work he rushed to Super Suppers,…

Create customers, revenue streams with high-quality catalogs

If you have a mailbox, you’ve probably come across your fair share of catalogs. And…

Executive coaching helps find new ways to solve problems

Not everyone is familiar with the term “executive coach.” A working definition of executive coaching…