Columbia Business Times Archive
There’s more to keeping the peace than police. Juries, juvenile detention centers, lawyers and more play a part in law and justice.
Although the Columbia Parks and Recreation Department and an equally abundant number of privately funded recreation venues are lauded in general for what they provide, the theme and tenor of these conversations among parents veers into what isn’t here.
1. What is Missouri Task Force 1? MOTF-1 is an urban search and rescue task…
Originally built in 1910 for a grand total of $15,000, Wabash Station has served as a gateway to Columbia for more than 100 years.
Politics and religion may not be proper party topics but are nonetheless important aspects of daily life for many Columbians. Take a look at these numbers to learn a little more about Columbia’s political and religious affiliations.
A recent meeting of the Columbia City Council may have established the all-time record for length. Would the 3 a.m. adjournment on Tuesday/Wednesday Sept. 3/4 qualify for entry into the Guinness Book of Records? Perhaps, or maybe at least a footnote as a runner-up.
First Christian Church on North 10th Street holds a strong history in its structure, which…
We sat down with Rabbi Yossi Feintuch and Joel Shenker, president of the board, from…
1. You purchased your dealership in 2001. How has the market in Columbia changed since…
Built in 1915, the ornamental gates on the University of Missouri campus at Eighth and…
It’s on again, off again — in the wake of a perceived spike in local…
Glenn’s Café has relocated three times in its history, but one thing has remained the…